NK Material List We have found 3 records that matches the element you are searching. Please continue to see the details. Select Compound Material Name ID Category Chemical Symbol Element Percentage Temperature / Orientation Zinc Selenium Telluride Select Element_percent Tellure: 0 Tellure: 10 Tellure: 30 Tellure: 50 Tellure: 70 Tellure: 90 Tellure: 100 II-VI Compounds ZnSe0Te1 Tellure: 0 N/A Zinc Cadmium Telluride Select Element_percent Cadmium: 0 Cadmium: 10 Cadmium: 30 Cadmium: 50 Cadmium: 70 Cadmium: 90 Cadmium: 100 II-VI Compounds Zn1Cd0Te Cadmium: 0 N/A Mercury Cadmium Telluride Select Element_percent Cadmium: 0 Cadmium: 20 Cadmium: 29 II-VI Compounds Hg1Cd0Te Cadmium: 0 N/A Please specify the following parameters for the plot(s) you want to view. Choose a data type for the plot: Refractive Index, n Extinction Coefficient, k n and k Epsiron r Epsiron i Er and Ei Choose a unit for the plot (for the data type of Epsiron r or Epsiron i, eV is the only avaiable unit): µm nm cm-1 eV Hi Powered Data